Aura Hotel | Vulcano
Lipari, IT 25 C

Vulcano | What to know

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

How to get to Vulcano?

Here you will find on one page all the directions to get to Vulcano from the airports of Catania, Napoli, Palermo and Reggio Calabria etc…
How to get to Vulcano

How far is the nearest airport to Vulcano?

The nearest airport to Vulcano is Catania Fontanarossa and is 107 km away from the harbour of Milazzo, where you embark to reach Vulcano by sea.

Should I book a private transfer to get to Vulcano?

It is possible to book a transfer from Catania airport and Milazzo harbour, together with the hydrofoil tickets, or a transfer by car and motorboat to Vulcano. Request more information here.

Can I come by car to Vulcano? Is there a parking?

For most of the year it is not possible to bring the car or the motorbike to Vulcano: the landing of motor vehicles of non-residents is allowed only from November to Easter.

Can I rent a car or a scooter in Vulcano?

You can rent a scooter or a car at the harbour of Vulcano, also being delivered to the hotel. Definitely it is a way to see the island in complete independence.

Is it possible to rent a boat or do excursions?

Organizing a boat excursion is definitely one of the “must do” of a holiday in Vulcano. You can rent a boat, with or without sailor, or choose an organized tour.
We recommend to book in advance: the request for boats is very high!

How to get around Vulcano?

The ideal way to get around the island of Vulcano is by renting a scooter, or by bike or by foot.

When to visit Vulcano?

The island of Vulcano is located in the Aeolian archipelago. The entire area has a warm Mediterranean climate. In addition, all the islands of the archipelago are windy all year round and this allows you to visit them in the summer without big problems.
We therefore recommend visiting Vulcano in the periods from April to October.

Where to eat in Vulcano?

On the island you will find many restaurants offering typical dishes and fish, often managed by families living on the island. In general, you will find a wider choice of restaurants in Porto di Levante and Porto di Ponente, but also at Spiaggia di Gelso and Punta dell’Asino.

How to get to Vulcano from Palermo?

From Palermo you can reach Vulcano by hydrofoil. The duration of the journey is a bit more than four hours.

How to get to Vulcano from Catania?

There are no direct connections from Catania to the Aeolian Islands. For this reason, it is recommended to reach the harbour of Milazzo from Catania. After that, you can board on the hydrofoils that connect Milazzo with the island of Vulcano.

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